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Choosing a good fruit is an art and a great pleasure!
The avocado is a large fruit with a weight of 200 to 300 grams usually. When the fruit is ripe the skin gives way to gentle pressure. When ready to serve it turns white and green in the middle of the inner fruit. In fact, this variety is known as avocado available all year round since it is possible to find it in all four seasons.
Know the properties and their benefits
• Water
• High content of vitamin E
• Significant amount of Vitamin A
• Vitamin C (in a lower proportion than other fruits)
• Source of Potassium
• Rich in Magnesium
• High in monounsaturated (unsaturated) fats
• High fiber content
• Rich in folic acid
• Rich in vitamin B6
• Rich in vitamin B2 Riboflavin
• Rich in Niacin B3
It is heart-shaped, covered by a green outer skin and inside we find a tasty and sweet pulp with black seeds.
Natural antimicrobial. One of its benefits is its ability to act as a natural protector against infections and parasites, something that is due to its high content of fiber, niacin and cytokines.
In addition, it is rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps the body resist infection.
• Improve your Cardiovascular Health • Natural Antimicrobial • Digestive Properties • Excellent Antioxidant • Antidepressant and Calming Effect • Protects against Osteoporosis
Properties and Benefits
Coconut has a lot of beneficial properties for our body: bactericidal, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, protects our liver, stimulates our immune system and protects the heart according to the Spanish Heart Foundation.
The main benefits of this fruit are in its seed, which, when it reaches maturity, contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements, that is, essential nutrients for our body.
Beneficial for the heart. Drinking coconut water helps lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides in those who suffer from cholesterol. It also has properties that help control blood glucose levels.
Moisturizing. Coconut water is low in fat and sugar, it hardly provides calories and quenches thirst. Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink.
Remineralizing. Helps regulate muscle tone and improve heart functions.
Antioxidant Some of the coconut minerals (selenium and zinc) is composed are wonderful antioxidants; for this reason it is widely used to make cosmetic products.
Energetic. Ideal to consume on a busy day, with a lot of physical activity or on very hot days. To benefit from its energy power we can add coconut to smoothies.
Detoxifying. It cleanses the kidney and is also good for the internal hygiene of the body, it is recommended for children, because it contains vitamin C, natural sugar and many minerals. It is used to relieve vomiting, gas and urinary problems.
It is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant and essential for absorbing iron! Commonly called the Tahiti variety, characterized, compared to others, by its more oval shape and by the especially tasty fruits.
The latest scientific studies have dismantled the anti-cold capacity of this component, although it is true that it contributes to the shortening of mucosal processes.
But defying the cold is not the only or the most important of the functions of vitamin C. There is another, more significant, which is its ability to facilitate the body absorb the iron it gets through other ways, which otherwise we would not be able to retain.
Vitamin C is also a good antioxidant, which prevents the aging of cells. And it is also enhanced with citric acid, an element of which the lime is also rich. It is a natural disinfectant, as well as an antiseptic and alkalinizer of the urine, so lime juice is indicated for people with kidney stones and gout, because it facilitates the elimination of uric acid in the urine.
Lemon contains potassium, which is necessary for the transmission and generation of the nerve impulse, for normal muscle activity, and it is also involved in the balance of water inside and outside the cell.
The mango is an exquisite tropical fruit, with a very characteristic exceptional aroma and taste and that has magnificent nutritional properties and benefits for our health.
Depending on which of the varieties in question, its color varies between green, yellow and different shades of pink, red and purple. The skin is thick and inside you can find the edible part of yellow or orange color.
Protects The Skin And Mucous membranes – Due to its beta-carotene content, it is useful to protect the skin, mucosa, eyes and heart against the action of free radicals.
Keeps Bones And Muscles In Shape – The combination of magnesium and potassium makes the mango is indicated to keep the musculoskeletal system in good shape (it prevents from osteoporosis to muscle cramps). These minerals also participate in the control of blood pressure, promote the elimination of fluids and the proper functioning of the kidneys.
Alkalizes And Fluidifies Blood – The weak organic acids that mango provides, once assimilated in the body, combine with minerals and give rise to salts that have the ability to fluidize and alkalize the blood.
Supports Nutrient Assimilation – It also has enzymes with properties similar to those of papains from papayas or bromelain from pineapples. These enzymes promote the assimilation of macronutrients and are in part responsible for the fact that mango is so easy to digest, so much so that it is said to “soften” and “purify” the stomach and intestines.
Stimulates Defenses – Antioxidant minerals and vitamins, along with phenolic compounds, help the immune system prevent and fight disease. Quercetin, isoquercetin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgalate have antioxidant effects.
Fiber Effects – Mango, like all fruits in general, also provides a significant dose of fiber, which helps prevent certain types of cancer, such as digestive cancer, prevents constipation and lowers bad cholesterol, which protects the heart and the circulatory system.
Melon is a sweet, juicy, refreshing and tasty fruit. It is a fruit that has few calories and abundant mineral salts, perhaps the 2 main nutritional properties of melon.
There are about 850 varieties of melon. The best known are: Yellow (within this one stands out the Canary and Gold), the Green (within this one stands out the Piel de Sapo and Tendral), Cantaloup (brought from America to Italy by some monks in the 16th century. cultivated in the garden of Pope Cantaluppi, from which it derives its name), Honeydew and Galia.
Benefits for health
Its richness in water, potassium, folic acid and antioxidant vitamins makes melon a light and very healthy food.
IT IS DEPURATIVE – Due to its high water content and its contribution of fiber and potassium, melon has a diuretic and slightly laxative action, which helps to eliminate waste from the body.
This makes it a good ally for the skin and makes it recommended for people who suffer from blood vessel and heart conditions or fluid retention. It also has a beneficial effect in cases of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
REDUCES BLOOD TENSION – Added to the high proportion of water and potassium is its low sodium content (20 mg / 100 g), which allows it to be included in the prescribed salt-free regimens, once again, in cases of hypertension or retention of liquids.
RECOMMENDED FROM BEFORE BIRTH – Its consumption is convenient during pregnancy and the previous months, since its components (calcium, magnesium, folates and vitamins A and C) are favorable to the growth of the fetus. Its folic acid content is especially significant.
TO LOSE WEIGHT – Due to its low caloric intake and its low percentage of sugars, it is recommended in the treatments against obesity and diabetes.
Papaya is one of the tropical fruits with the most medicinal properties, which, together with its delicious flavor, make it very popular and appreciated. The natives of Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico know it as the fruit of the tree of good health.
Properties and benefits
• Water
• Significant amount of Vitamin A
• Source of vitamin C
• Rich in folic acid
• Important role in digestion
• Rich in beta carotenes
• Rich in potassium
• Rich in fiber
Pitaya is a treasure from the point of view of nutrition, contains antioxidants, mucilages, ascorbic acid, phenols.
It is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains group B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, hierarchy, and is highly contained in water and contains vegetable protein and soluble fiber. The seeds, which are edible, contain beneficial fatty acids.
One of its most prominent properties is its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, all over the world WHO recommends its consumption.
– Retrasa cellular aging. – Strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. – Positive anti-inflammatory effect. – It helps us to regulate intestinal transit, and its seeds have effective laxative. – Adjust the blood sugar level. – Stimulates collagen production. – Improve the absorption of the hierarchy (essential to avoid fighting ferropenic anemia). – Excellent for the formation of bones and teeth. – As it is rich in water and low in carbohydrates, its consumption is excellent for people who follow thinning diets.